Best quotes by Aquaria on Love

Checkout quotes by Aquaria on Love

  • The representation that I always go back to is a pop star - whether it's Lady Gaga or Madonna, I love the way those women in pop music have always made an effort to create a specific vision.
    - Aquaria
  • 'Drag Race' is a fantastic way to catapult your career and to get yourself known for your drag, for your singing, for your love of fashion, or whatever it may be. It's a fabulous platform to shout the things you do well from the top of the roof.
    - Aquaria
  • I love meeting fans, and I love bringing my drag to all parts of the world.
    - Aquaria
  • I've always wanted to be a pop star of sorts because I love the whole touring gig.
    - Aquaria
  • I love a quick little magician gag.
    - Aquaria