Best quotes by Ant McPartlin on People

Checkout quotes by Ant McPartlin on People

  • Some people are very cynical about it, but we're not trying to replace Bob and Terry.
    - Ant McPartlin
  • I'm just one of those people who happens to be all or nothing. A lot of people can be middle. I'm not.
    - Ant McPartlin
  • People are always telling me to cheer up.
    - Ant McPartlin
  • I always read interviews with people and they say I was a right joker at school, I was a right loner at school - but I was just kind of average.
    - Ant McPartlin
  • Obviously, the BBC is funded by licence-payers. If you are paying for a TV licence, when you see what people are paid, then you know you're funding that.
    - Ant McPartlin
  • For years I thought of many other people. As we all do. But we should all step back and say, 'What's making me unhappy? What's not working for me? What can I take out for a bit and take out long-term that will help me a bit?'
    - Ant McPartlin