Best quotes by Anne Applebaum on People

Checkout quotes by Anne Applebaum on People

  • Elections are always a Rorschach test - people look at the results and see what they want to see.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • The behavioral scientist Karen Stenner has written very eloquently about people who have what she calls an authoritarian predisposition, a personality type that is bothered by complexity and is especially enraged by disagreement. Trump has made himself into the spokesperson for precisely these American authoritarians.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • False stories can be promulgated more easily when the people trying to tell true stories have been discredited - or when they are battered by rubber bullets.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • For some people, loud advocacy of Trump helps to cover up the deep doubt and even shame they feel about their support for Trump.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • Amazingly, quite a few people, even some American conservatives, are taken in by Russian tactics.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • Published in 1947, 'The Plague' has often been read as an allegory, a book that is really about the occupation of France, say, or the human condition. But it's also a very good book about plagues, and about how people react to them - a whole category of human behavior that we have forgotten.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • Like SARS or Ebola, COVID-19 seems to be another disease that has jumped from the animal kingdom to the human and then traveled quickly because of trains, cars, airplanes, and people clustering in public places.
    - Anne Applebaum
  • The Brexit campaign was transformed from a fringe eccentricity into a mass movement by a handful of people who decided to make it into an argument about identity.
    - Anne Applebaum