Best quotes by Anna Soubry on Brexit

Checkout quotes by Anna Soubry on Brexit

  • Brexit is a self-inflicted wound; the people of this country hold the knife, and they don't have to use it if they don't want to. The people, not the hardline Brexiteers, are in charge.
    - Anna Soubry
  • Something is going to have to give because, if it doesn't, not only will we get Jacob Rees-Mogg as our prime minister, we will get a devastating hard Brexit which will cause huge damage to our economy for generations to come. And I am not prepared to sit by any longer and put up with this nonsense.
    - Anna Soubry
  • If we had a vote in parliament, the majority of MPs would not vote for a hard Brexit.
    - Anna Soubry
  • There's a way that we can deliver a Brexit that works for our country, and the really interesting thing is the amount of Tory MPs working with Labour MPs, forming that consensus.
    - Anna Soubry
  • If we have Brexit, we don't know what we will get.
    - Anna Soubry