Best quotes by Anish Kapoor on Art

Checkout quotes by Anish Kapoor on Art

  • Artists don't make objects. Artists make mythologies.
    - Anish Kapoor
  • Being an artist is a very long game. It is not a 10-year game. I hope I'll be around making art when I'm 80.
    - Anish Kapoor
  • I, in the end, make art for myself.
    - Anish Kapoor
  • One does not set out with the idea that I've just had a great idea and now I'm going to go and carry it out. Almost all art that's made like that doesn't go anywhere.
    - Anish Kapoor
  • One doesn't make art for other people, even though I am very concerned with the viewer.
    - Anish Kapoor
  • One of the great currents in the contemporary experience of art is that it seems to come out of the experience of the author.
    - Anish Kapoor