Best quotes by Aneurin Barnard on Work

Checkout quotes by Aneurin Barnard on Work

  • All I did as a child was pretend to be James Bond or Marlon Brando. When I was about four, I put on my dad's work boots and went up and down the street with his walking stick pretending to be Charlie Chaplin.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • I'm a big believer in playing truth and not doing things for effect. It's not about whether you look pretty or glamorous. It's about whether people connect. That's important to me in any work I do. For me, the key is always trying to find the connection between the audience and the character I'm playing.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • I like being on a set where you can make decisions and everything is involved and are happy to work together to make the best work. For me, it's all about making the best work and creative people working together and all being respected and all having their opinions of what gives it the best quality is important.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • For me, every opportunity is a golden opportunity, so I just need to work as hard as I can to maintain credibility and respect and hopefully people enjoy watching me as an actor.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • I'm always eager to work with people I admire, people who have experience, who've made mistakes and made great things. That's the greatest teaching I could ever get in developing my own career.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • I wanted to be a stuntman. I've done stunts since I was 11, and wanted to be able to do them whatever kind of work I ended up in. I've had a horse roll on me, but luckily, everything stayed intact.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • Fame isn't happiness, but success and being respected in your craft is worth fighting for. You've got to work hard to be noticed.
    - Aneurin Barnard
  • If you have 130 people on set, all with different opinions, sometimes it's going to kick off. There might be some people who say I'm a big problem to work with - that you couldn't tell me anything - but hopefully, they don't.
    - Aneurin Barnard