Best quotes by Andrew Ross Sorkin on Government

Checkout quotes by Andrew Ross Sorkin on Government

  • The moment a large investor doesn't believe a government will pay back its debt when it says it will, a crisis of confidence could develop. Investors have scant patience for the years of good governance - politically fraught fiscal restructuring, austerity and debt rescheduling - it takes to defuse a sovereign-debt crisis.
    - Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • I don't want to put words in Geithner's mouth, but I think he is generally against the revolving door of government officials taking jobs with companies that they have overseen or in roles that involve lobbying. At minimum, I'm pretty sure he felt that way about himself.
    - Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • No one suggested Lehman deserved to be saved. But the argument has been made that the crisis might have been less severe if it had been saved, because Lehman's failure created remarkable uncertainty in the market as investors became confused about the role of the government and whether it was picking winners and losers.
    - Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • The failure of Lehman may have allowed the government to do more to prop up the economy than it otherwise could.
    - Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • TARP became so politicized that having money from it was almost like a scarlet letter. There were debates over compensation, worry that the rules were going to get changed. All the banks were desperately rushing to get that money back as soon as possible - in part, so they could pay themselves bonuses without any government restrictions.
    - Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • There's something called, 'resolution authority,' which gives the government the power to takeover a failing bank - something they didn't have pre-Lehman Brothers.
    - Andrew Ross Sorkin