Best quotes by Alex Kingston on Doctor

Checkout quotes by Alex Kingston on Doctor

  • 'Doctor Who' is really challenging and fulfilling on so many levels.
    - Alex Kingston
  • In America, people come up and to me, and I keep thinking they're going to say, 'Oh, I loved you on 'ER.'' Now it's, 'Oh, I love you on 'Doctor Who.''
    - Alex Kingston
  • In England, 'Doctor Who' has always been considered a children's show, at least by children.
    - Alex Kingston
  • If anyone out there wants me to play a Pre-Raphaelite character, I'd do it in a flash. That's what is so curious about my playing a modern doctor. It's not the sort of part I saw for myself when I began acting.
    - Alex Kingston
  • To be honest, 'Doctor Who' fans are a mixture of crazies plus solid citizens, but they're relentless.
    - Alex Kingston