Best quotes by Alan Furst on Me

Checkout quotes by Alan Furst on Me

  • I was raised on John D. MacDonald's Travis McGee series. Something about this genre - hard-boiled-private-eye-with-heart-of-gold - never failed to take me away from whatever difficulties haunted my daily world to a wonderful land where I was no more than an enthralled spectator.
    - Alan Furst
  • My theory is that sometimes writers write books because they want to read them, and they aren't there to be read. And I think that was true of me.
    - Alan Furst
  • The idea that someone is going to write me, and I'm not going to answer - I was just raised not to do that. We are the result of our upbringing, and my upbringing was very much to meet obligations... You just didn't let things go.
    - Alan Furst
  • My grandmother, whom I adored, and who partly raised me, loved Liberace, and she watched Liberace every afternoon, and when she watched Liberace, she'd get dressed up and put on makeup because I think she thought if she could see Liberace, Liberace could see her.
    - Alan Furst
  • What you get in the Cold War is 'the wilderness of mirrors' where you have to figure out what's good and what's evil. That's good for John le Carre, but not me.
    - Alan Furst
  • Anthony Powell taught me to write; he has such brilliant control of the mechanics of the novel.
    - Alan Furst
  • What I discovered is I don't like to repeat lead characters because one of the most pleasurable things in a book to me is learning about the lead.
    - Alan Furst
  • Let me put it this way: I don't plan to retire. What would I do, become a brain surgeon? I mean, a brain surgeon can retire and write novels, but a novelist can't retire and do brain surgery - or at least he better not.
    - Alan Furst
  • I'd never been in a police state. I didn't know what it was. I knew that it was, in the general way that people know that two and two is four, but it had no emotional value for me until I found myself in the middle of it.
    - Alan Furst