Best quotes by Adrienne Mayor on Time

Checkout quotes by Adrienne Mayor on Time

  • I think that the Greeks were extremely ambivalent about the stories of Amazons: they found them both thrilling and rather daunting at the same time.
    - Adrienne Mayor
  • Before I began concentrating on writing, in my free time I was an artist, making and selling etchings illustrating stories based on my readings in classical literature.
    - Adrienne Mayor
  • I think the key to the whole appeal of Amazons is the egalitarian society. There was once a time and place where equality was taken for granted - it was logical and necessary - and I think most people can get the message that if it happened once, it could happen again.
    - Adrienne Mayor
  • The tasks of paleontologists and classical historians and archaeologists are remarkably similar - to excavate, decipher and bring to life the tantalizing remnants of a time we will never see.
    - Adrienne Mayor
  • Just as a fossil is 'petrified time,' so is an ancient artifact or text.
    - Adrienne Mayor
  • If Queen Amezan and Queen Penthesilea could somehow meet in real life, they would recognize each other as sister Amazons. Two tales, two storytellers, two sites far apart in time and place, and yet one common tradition of women who made love and war.
    - Adrienne Mayor